Microbiome Online Food Questionnaire Instructions

To complete the food survey, copy the following Internet address (URL) into your internet browser and login with the user login name, password and group ID provided to you. It should take about 30 to 40 minutes to complete the survey. If you need to leave the survey session before you have completed it, you can login again later and complete it (see Item 6 below for instructions).


Features of the online system that are useful to know:

  1. Login information is case-sensitive.
  2. Each food/supplement question comes with a “More Info” link. Click this button for help in understanding this food/supplement question.
  3. Click on the “Next” button to proceed from one screen to the next. Each time you click the “Next” button, your answers are recorded by the online questionnaire system.
  4. Be sure to answer all questions that appear on each screen so that you can go on to the next screen. A red check mark will appear to the left of each question completed.
  5. You can change answers easily. Just use the “Back” button at the top of the questionnaire page to go back to an earlier screen (Do Not use the “back” arrow on your internet browser).
  6. If you need to stop the survey session before completion, click the “Stop Survey” button in the upper right hand corner of the questionnaire screen. You can easily resume the questionnaire session by logging in again later. The system is “smart” enough to take you directly to the last screen you visited before stopping.
  7. Once you have completed the final section of the survey, click the “Next” button again to be sure that all your answers are transmitted to the online system.

When you have reached the last screen, click again to see the summary nutrition report. You may print this report directly from this screen.